Revere School District received the designation of Insufficient Data due to Low Participation. This designation was due to the fact that parents chose to opt their students out of state assessments (CMAS). All parents know and understand their rights surrounding parent opt-out with state assessments and are afforded the opportunity through state statute to make an informed decision on what is best for their student(s). With accountability in mind, Revere School District has a proven history of holding its stakeholders accountable. With multiple state assessments, (DIBELS, SAT, PSAT) paired with local assessments (NWEA, AIMSWEB, I-Ready) Revere School is able to make informed, timely, data-driven decisions that drive instruction and produce positive outcomes.
Additional Accountability Requirements

Low Participation Narrative

Gifted Education
Revere has a small number of identified gifted students, below publicly reportable numbers. Monitoring achievement and growth of each gifted student will be documented in the students’ ALP, or until such a time the district has enough students to include in the UIP.
Individual plans for each gifted student, known as Advanced Learning Plans (ALPs), are written for each gifted student and take into consideration the current performance, academic achievement, and specific strengths of that student. Programming that may be included based on student strength area may tap into CDLS Infusion Classes, Depth & Complexity-based ALPs for students in 3rd-6th grade, Acceleration, Concurrent Enrollment, and/or Enrichment and Affective Groups in school. These plans are progress monitored throughout the year by both the school-level GT Coordinator and the BOCES-level GT Coordinator, and documentation about achievement of both academic and affective goals is recorded on the individual student ALP.

The district has a small number of students with a significant reading deficiency (SRD), below publicly reportable numbers in Kindergarten through 3rd grade. Monitoring achievement and growth of each identified student will be documented in the students’ READ Plans, or until such a time the district has enough students to include in the UIP.
Individual READ Plans for each student identified with a SRD (which is indicative of the student likely unable to meet end of year benchmarks) will take into consideration strengths, current performance, academic achievement, and any factors that contribute to goal achievement. Specific goals will be determined and strategies will be implemented to help students attain necessary reading skills. At least 90 minutes of core reading instruction through a reviewed and approved CDE curriculum is provided, and at least 30 additional minutes of specific goal-oriented supplemental instruction is provided to students. Regular progress monitoring will take place to assess and/or re-evaluate goals to meet the specific needs of the student.
READ Plans remain in effect until such time as a significant body of evidence is collected indicating the student has achieved and can maintain performance benchmarks of grade-level material.

Data Dialogue
In an effort to continuously improve the quality of education for students in the Northeast BOCES region of Colorado, Revere school district has been engaging in a “data dialogue”. This process, which engages community stakeholders at every step, helps our school district improve student growth outcomes to better equip them for life after their K-12 education is complete.
The purposes of the data dialogue process are to 1) help to replace “hunches” and “feelings” with data-driven decisions, 2) examine patterns and trends of performance indicators, and 3) tenerate “root-cause” discussions that move from identifying symptoms to possible causes of student performance. Each participant in the process has an equal voice, and the stakeholders involved include the District Accountability Committee (DAC), district staff, students, families, and our Board of Education (BOE). Through the process, these stakeholders of Revere School District have made a shared meaning of the data, which includes student performance, academics, behavior, attendance, etc.
The process begins with district staff analyzing school-level data within their buildings and Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). From there, the data dialogue process is vetted through the DAC who brings it forward to the BOE for final approval.
During the data dialogue process, we have also been partnering with a national education provider, Generation Schools Network (GSN), to help guide our conversations and thinking. The valuable aspect of a third-party provider is that there is less familiarity with our school district, which improves our ability to review the data objectively. GSN has helped guide us through the following Phases of the Data Dialogue Process:
Predictions - Surfacing perspectives, beliefs, assumptions, predictions, possibilities, questions and expectations.
Observations - Analyzing the data for patterns, trends, surprises, and new questions that jump out.
Inferences - Generating hypotheses, inferring, explaining and drawing conclusions.
Challenge Identification & Root Cause - Dig into what is the true reason for the challenge (use FIVE WHYs protocol)
Action Plan - Develop the intervention, timeline and when the results will be examined
Implement - Implement the action plan/Intervention.
One of the key things it’s important for parents and families to understand is that student data is always anonymous. Our data dialogue process never puts the blame on students or teachers. Our top priority is the safety, wellbeing, and growth of our students, and we look forward to the improvements our district will see as a result of this process. If you have any questions, please contact Sandra Rahe at